Wednesday 11 May 2011

Radio Advert

I created my radio advert on the software Audacity.
The background music I used for my backing radio advert was We Come One by the artist Faithless. I soughted this track.

Tuesday 10 May 2011


<div style="width:425px" id="__ss_7906830"><strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px"><a href="" title="A2 media studies evaluation">A2 media studies evaluation</a></strong><object id="__sse7906830" width="425" height="355

Monday 25 April 2011

Newspaper front cover image

This image is the main image for my front page of my newspaper. The image represents a robbery which is happening in Rubery Post Office. Rubery being my local town. This image is related to the main article on my newspaper front page.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Newspaper double page plan

This screenshot is the screenshot which represents my double page spread plan. The columns will represent where each feature goes (the columns are also labeled with feature). Each column size will be proportion with the actual template design, so everything should be to scale.

Newspaper front cover plan

This screenshot represents the front page of my newspaper. Like the double page spread the column sizes are all to scale with the actual newspaper design template and inside the columns are labels representing what each feature is. (text/image etc)

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Planning, last 2 pages

This screenshot is my planning but continued on too another two pages. I have added a satiable amount of depth onto my planning. In both screenshot i have added the correct titles and gave a large section of information which answer the heading.

Planning, first 2 pages

This screenshot is my planning. I made this plan before i actually began to create my newspaper front page and double page spread. my planning is all written in the past tense, and is very clear and in a professional layout so the audience can stand the strategies i took to complete my newspaper front cover and double page spread.